Mobility on Demand is Going Global

Mobility on Demand has received some great coverage recently. A few awesome bloggers who write about CrossFit related topics gave us some love and we're grateful for the attention and pumped about the positive response.

Coverage on Bruises and Calluses

Coverage on Bruises and Calluses

Bruises and Calluses recently did a product review of Mobility on Demand. You can find the review and other CrossFit related information here.

We also received some love from the awesome Maddie Berky at Mad Wellness. Maddie's blog focuses on getting in touch with your mind, body, and plate. You can see the review and read more of her wisdom here

Other coverage includes an awesome post by our beloved box, CrossFit Roots and a mention from Wine to Weightlifting.

This coverage triggered a broader interest in Mobility on Demand. Originally, we just planned to sell in the United States, but after lots of interest from outside of the US, we decided to make MOD available to the world!

So, if you're a CrossFitter, outside of the US, you can now get your hands on your very own Mobility on Demand deck.